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Thuja Trees

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thuja trees

Dense green growth in a tried-and-true form.

From the iconic Thuja Green Giant to the American Pillar, our Thuja Trees are perfect for full, richly-green good looks in your landscape. Whether you use them for privacy, borders or even large plant beds, Thujas provide a backdrop well-suited for all of your plants.

What are Thuja Trees?

Basically, Thuja Trees are dense, narrow evergreen shrubs or trees. Many of them are Thujas. But all of them are thick, dense and easy-growing, with iconic greenery that's hardy, pest resistant, disease resistant and more.

How to Plant Thuja Trees

Though specific directions will vary, knowing your growing zone is important. After you’ve determined your growing zone, keep sunlight and watering needs in mind. Most Thuja Trees will prefer full sun (anywhere from 6 to 8 hours of sunlight per day) and well-drained soil, but make sure you check your tree's specific directions.

Your fertilizing and pruning needs will vary as well, but many of our Thuja Trees do not require pruning.

When you're ready to plant, select an area with well-drained soil, dig a hole large enough to accommodate the tree’s root ball (along with some extra width for mature growth), place your tree and back fill the hole. Finish by watering the surrounding soil near your trees and mulching to conserve moisture.

When to Plant Thuja Trees

Generally, we recommend planting your Thuja Trees in early spring or in fall. Either season is fine, provided the ground is not frozen.

Also, it's important to keep spacing in mind. Avoid planting your Thuja Trees too closely to sidewalks, structures and power lines, especially if the mature height and width are larger.