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Redbud Trees

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redbud tree

Iconic springtime blooms and deep color.

Full blooms and classic springtime color define our selection of Redbud Trees. As one of the first springtime bloomers to welcome warm weather and visual interest, our Redbud Trees are a must for your seasonal landscape...especially since they're elegant and easy-growing.

How and When to Plant Redbud Trees

After you’ve determined your zone, keep sunlight and watering needs in mind for your Redbud Trees.

Plant in early spring or fall, before or after the threat of frost, but as long as the ground is not frozen and temperature extremes are at bay, you're good to go.

But the actual planting process is easy. Find an area with well-drained soil, dig a hole large enough to accommodate the Redbud’s root ball (along with a bit of extra width for growing space), place your tree and back fill the hole. Finally, water the tree and mulch to conserve moisture in the area.

When to Prune Redbud Trees

A Few Pruning Tips

Prune Redbud Trees during dormancy, in the fall and winter seasons.

When you prune, ensure you make your cuts at a 45-degree angle and use clean, sterilized pruning shears. Remove dead, diseased or damaged branches, and make sure sunlight penetrates the canopy of your tree after pruning.

How Fast Do Redbud Trees Grow?

Though it depends on the variety, Redbud Trees generally have a moderate growth rate and easy acclimation into your landscape. They may even bloom the first season after planting, from March to April, depending on your area and climate.