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Connecticut Trees
Connecticut homeowners who want to enhance their residential landscape with fast-growing shade trees and shrubs should look no further than the Fast Growing Tree Nursery. Whether you live in the Central Lowlands, the Eastern Highlands, the Northwest Highlands or the Coastal Lowlands, we can fix you up with trees and shrubs to suit your needs.
The Constitution State enjoys only two climate zones – 7 and 8. This means you need to choose trees that can survive the cold winter chill and the humid summer temperatures. It’s important to select trees that will easily adapt to your region’s temperature range, rainfall, light levels and soil types for them to stay healthy and develop to their true potential.
Trees for the Connecticut Climate
Wherever you live, from Danbury to Norwich, you’ll find what you need.
The White Oak became Connecticut’s state tree because the historic Royal Charter was safely hidden in the hollow trunk of one in 1687. The famous tree, which came to be known as the Charter Oak, stood in Connecticut’s Hartford until 1856. The White Oak is one of the oldest hardwoods in North America, growing up to 65–85 feet and living around 450 years.